As with many of the booming oil and gas regions in the United States, the Marcellus basin was known to have gas deposits for decades before they were ever considered viable. Once the first horizontal well began producing in 2005, however, a boom was ignited in Pennsylvania.

In a few short years, the Marcellus Basin has become the largest natural gas field in the country, providing 20% of our total natural gas output. Thanks to the successes provided by hydraulic fracturing techniques, the estimate of technically recoverable gas has increased from 1.9 trillion cubic feet, to the latest EIA estimate of 143.8 trillion cubic feet, with some outside estimates even going as high as 480 trillion cubic feet.

Pennsylvania Oilfield Invoice Factoring

While invoice factoring is fairly common, finding a factoring company who is an expert in navigating and billing oil and gas companies is not. Oilfield Factoring’s clients benefit from the years of experience of our account managers. Even if a company is new to the industry, they can rest easy knowing that their invoice factoring company is not.

Companies based out of Pittsburgh, Scranton, Binghamton, Williamsport, Morgantown, and elsewhere have all trusted Oilfield Factoring to provide them with invoice factoring services that have allowed them to run their business with predictable cash flow and a stable financial footing.

Hassle-Free Oil and Gas Factoring

At Oilfield Factoring, we have worked with a variety of oil and gas service companies. That means you spend more time working and less time explaining your industry to your account manager. When you work with us, you will never have to explain what a water disposal fee is, never have to explain crude oil tare weight, and never have to worry about a 60-90 day pay. After factoring $100s of millions in oil and gas invoices, we understand your industry and are ready to help you succeed.