Blockchain in the Oilfield

The Blockchain Revolution Ask a hundred people about the potential impact of blockchain technology on the oil and gas industry and there are likely to be a hundred different answers. To some, blockchain is a massively disruptive technology that represents the wave of the future. Others view it as little more than an interesting novelty.…

Shale Oil’s Big Pipeline Problem

It’s an odd time to be a shale oil producer. On the surface, it appears the stage should be set for production in the Permian and other U.S. basins to surge into a premier market position. After a period of massive global oversupply that sent crude prices tumbling and left the industry in a troubling…

State of the North Dakota Oilfield

[cherry_row] [cherry_col size_md=”12″] The last several years in North Dakota’s Bakken Formation have been tumultuous to say the least. From an explosive growth in shale oil drilling that quickly turned the area into the United States’ 2nd largest oil producer, to a market collapse in 2014 that saw dozens of producers go bankrupt and oilfield…

Why Experience Matters in Oilfield Factoring

When a business looks to partner with a factoring company, much of the focus is inevitably on the cost of the factoring program. This makes sense, a well-run business must account for where every dollar is going to make their operation as efficient as possible. However, though cost is a critical component of a factoring…

Is Shale Oil Poised to Crash the Market?

It’s been quite a stretch for the oil markets in recent months. After a protracted decline that left markets sagging and producers scrambling for solutions, crude prices have rallied sharply and reached heights not seen in several years. The rapid growth has been driven largely by cuts from OPEC, Russia and other prominent producers, aimed…